International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women – Le Droit Humain British Federation
Light of Amen-Ra Lodge No. 717
Motto: 'The light is within you. Let the light shine'
Special work: The particular interest of Lodge Light of Amen-Ra is to try to discover and gain first hand experience of the realities indicated by the symbolism and rituals used in Freemasonry. To this end we have regular study groups. We extend a warm welcome to our lodge to any genuine seekers after truth and deeper revelations of reality. We should emphasise that we are not just a talking shop. The acid test of any theories about spiritual evolution is in the application of Masonic concepts to the challenges we meet in our daily lives, so our discussions and study groups are often wide ranging and cover much interesting ground.
Location: This lodge meets at Hexagon House, the Headquarters of the British Federation.
Meetings: The lodge meets on Saturday afternoons.
History: Lodge Light of Amen-Ra was founded on May 29th, 1920 at 36 Green Street, Cambridge.
The consecrating officer was The Very Illustrious Bro. J.I. Wedgwood, 33rd degree, member of the Supreme Council.
Since its foundation by undergraduates of Cambridge University, Lodge Light of Amen-Ra has had a relatively young membership and an approach to Freemasonry which combines youthful energy and curiosity about the inner meaning of Freemasonry. Its members come from a variety of spiritual, cultural and religious backgrounds, and the lodge is characterised by friendly tolerance and an acceptance of a diversity of views.

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